What I've been thinking of is that I'm turning 22 this year and somehow it feels like I'm getting so old =)))) I'm serious!!!!
I look around and see all these people of my age getting engaged, married... making a family... Lots of people of my age having a good job or even a career already and all stuff like this..
I look at my life and see that I haven't moved at all... Nothing really changed since I was 15-17..
But now everything in my head, everything I feel is so exaggerated..
- I always hoped that if I ever get married it would be at 20 or max 21...
- I thought that studying English and French would be so exciting... But I got soooo disappointed with the level of education they give us in university. Plus it's all sooo boring and now I totally suck at both English and French.
- I'm tired of living with mom. I really want to move on and start living an "adult life".
- But it's impossible with no "real job".. And I can't get any now cuz I'm still a full-time student.
- My life is friggin boring!!! It really is.. Every day is the same with nothing excited in it.
- I need inspiration.. I long for it... I need it like a drug... But it just never comes.. I want to create, I want to write again.. I want any thing that would make me feel alive.
- I want to have a reason to look nice every day... But now I just don't care.. I don't wanna dress up for uni cuz I'm just sick of this place .. and I never go out... But sometimes I just want to put some lovely dress and go out and feel free, feel nice, feel alive (again)..
Really this list can go on forever but it's more like a list of complaints... I really needed to put it down though.. Hopefully that'll make me feel better cuz all these thoughts absorb my mind these days and it doesn't make me any good.
Natash! You are not old! I am 24 and I just barely got married. You are beautiful and talented and I can't believe you even say that you aren't good at English, because you are! You have an English blog for goodness sake and it's almost always perfect. It is hard to live at home, but at least you can finish school and then find a job and you won't be in debt. I was unemployed for 6 months (I just barely got a job today!) and you are right, it's hard to want to get dressed up when you don't have anything important to do. But when you are done with school, you can get some sort of a translating job, and eventually pay for your own place, maybe with friends, and some day a handsome man is going to love love love you! So don't be sad, ok? I love you:)
ReplyDeleteEveryone wants to get an adult life as soon as possible, but do you really need it? So much problems, money, apartment, cooking, lol. Really job in Russia? Only if you have many talents or relationships with necessary people.I think you look nice, cuz you so pretty girl.
ReplyDeletePS Skyline was fallen on photo.
PPS My english is suck too.
Your Anonymous/