Sunday, March 20, 2011

Who's a Better Nerd???

In February I went home to visit mom and Masha. 
Among Masha's toys I found a "doctor's bag" or smth like that... It had some really cool yellow glasses... I couldn't miss a chance to fool around with them =)))) 


Turned out I'm not as good at being a nerd as my mom


It also turned out that Masha is the best at fooling around and making nerdy faces =))))) 



Now who's a better nerd??? =)))) 

1 comment:

  1. у меня в детстве были такие же очки! и т.к. моя фамилия была Бабушкина,сама понимаешь как меня дразнили. а я надевала платочек и эти очки и передразнивала ответ! кстати говоря,от меня быстро отстали!!!


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